Dec 28, 2014


Sarcasm is a technique to damage, attack or insult one’s image, character, reputation, social standing or personal belief. It is delivered through verbal outburst, facial expression and body language directly to the person concerned or through press and social media to the people at large. The idea behind sarcasm may also be to make fun, mockery or ridicule a person or group of persons. It may also contain double meanings to insult or hurt someone. Sarcasm is a distorted form of politeness intended to underestimate the knowledge, attack on self respect and humiliate the person. It may be the unsophisticated and least interesting form of irony which conceals scornful meaning. It is also a cognitive dissonance and emotional tool to test the limits of one’s patience, politeness and gentleness by sneering or making cutting remarks. It is also used to make scathing comments or down play the popularity or position of a person.  

Sometimes sarcastic remarks make a huge impact on a persona and damage the cord of respect, belief, understanding and harmony. It may also result in mistrust and develop enmity. It has the power to destroy trust in relationships built over a period of time. Psychologically it may give rise to frustration and depression on whom the sarcastic remarks have been delivered. History has witnessed several wars between the factions due to the insult made through sarcastic remarks. For example, the Battle of Wagram was fought in the year 1809 because of the sarcastic remarks aimed at Napoleon Bonaparte.

Sarcasm has also brooded animosity between kin. It has a negative impact on the harmonious environment in a family or in society. Sarcastic remarks also demonstrate the ill motives and may prove the quality of education and understanding one has. It also demonstrates the character of a person and his distorted trepidation.

On the flip side, sarcasm can also be taken positively in expressing frustration against the system or governance. It may be an important tool to release anxiety and dissatisfaction. If delivered intelligently then it may also provide subtle message to improve one’s personality or thought process. A thoughtful sarcastic remark may help a person in overcoming their shortcomings. It can also help a person to think before making another move. And it can also dissuade the blabber mouth, or silence the boastful people.

However, sarcasm, sarcastic remarks or demonstration of sarcastic presentation through media or film on a particular race, religion or sects can prove to be a dangerous move in inciting people’s sentiments especially if it involves one’s belief in a particular religion.

Religion is a matter of personal belief through which people derive strength to combat their personal woes or thank the unknown for their blessings in successes and maintenance of their happiness. In a situation when known entity cannot do anything or does not want to help people or when people become helpless then having belief and praying to unknown, sails them through the tribulations of life. It is like clinching to the crest of the tempest and hoping for the unknown power to help them in navigating through the distress. This belief and hope in unknown (God) triggers all hidden strength and resources within the person to overcome their misfortune and sufferings. Therefore believing in God through religious practices is the most important tool for survival in the world.

In the past, sages and seers have experienced the existence of God and based on their insights, people have interpreted different versions of their understanding of God. According to them, Godly people or messengers of God have been incarnated in different periods of time and have tried to convey the message of God to people. Hence, the existence of God has been portrayed in different forms and figures, directly or indirectly or through pictures of their holy places. Some claim to worship formless God but they cannot pray in the absence of the form or picture of their holy places. Whatever route they adopt to pray God is the means to reach the same almighty.

Therefore, it is foolish to prove or debate whose version of God is more authentic. To my mind it is the personal belief and understanding which fortifies its existence. In my previous articles, I have already quoted the remarks of Karl Marx, the famous German philosopher and economist’s as - “Religion is the opium of Man”. I have also quoted the story of six blind persons and an elephant and how they have described the shape of an elephant by touching a particular part of its body and vehemently disagreeing with others experience. Therefore debating on religion or God may continue for eternity.

I was inspired to write on this topic after watching an Indian film called “PK” where a distorted version of religion and belief in God was sarcastically presented and that too by humiliating the belief of one sect of people and not taking into account of blind faith of people of other religions on the fear of backlash and repercussion.  

This controversial film has been made on the face of the belief of the majority of the population of India, yet it has made record sales in the box office. This shows the bankruptcy of people’s belief and wide spread religious hypocrisy in society. The producer of the film Rajkumar Hirani, Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Siddharth Roy Kapur have made a mockery of one of the oldest civilizations of the world and their belief system. They have forgotten that because of religious tolerance of the majority in India they are able to get away with the sarcasm otherwise they would have been persecuted.

Those who have not seen the film, a brief synopsis is mentioned here. To prove the non existence of God of one sect of people, the main actor of the film Amir Khan portrays himself as an alien from a different planet who lost his remote control for going back to the spaceship in a dessert of the western province of Rajasthan in India. In order to find his remote he visits all places of worship and everybody advises him to pray to God for the same. Therefore, he starts looking for God everywhere and prints flyers with ‘Missing’ headline having pictures of Gods of Hindu religion only. Thereby the producer, director and actor have tried to portray the non-existence of Gods of the majority population while not portraying or printing the photos of Gods of other religions due to the fear of backlash.

Many confused people and the so called intelligentsia have tried to see the positive side of the film and exposing of the so called God man in India. But they have forgotten that these God men are everywhere and in every religion. These God men play with people’s ignorance, sentiments and emotions by inculcating the fear of God. This is the reason that it has become a richest industry. In some cases these God men have been converting people throughout the world in the name of charity and social services and in other cases they have been inciting people to fight for a frivolous cause and induce them to commit suicide so that the inciters could gain political and religious advantages.

Therefore, this film PK has thrown sarcasm over the belief system of one of the largest populations in the world. The picturisation of the film has been very sarcastic and it has been an attempt to ridicule their faith and their belief in God. If producers of film were genuine in their motives to educate people about the non-existence of God or conveying the message of humanity then they should have adopted a balanced approach in projecting pictures of Gods of other religions as well such as Christ, Mecca, and Buddha etc in the flyers looking for the ‘Missing’ Gods.

I think people must wake up to protest and express their resentment over such sarcasm through films capable of insulting a large population of India.

I will look forward for your comments on the topic.

Wish you all a very Happy New Year 2015.

Suman S.Sinha, CMC

A pursuer of logical quest.

Sep 21, 2014


Recently during my visit to US, I had a chance to interact with companies and professionals engaged in deciding the future of solar energy in India as well as other parts of the world. India, a country of 1.25 billion people is having huge gap in demand and supply of energy, as a result there is frequent outage of power and people have to suffer intolerable heat in summer. Industries are also having stunted growth for want of continuous supply of electricity.  I had prepared a strategic plan for the newly formed government in India for their attention and implementation in making India energy surplus in 2-3 year's of time. I sent the strategic plan to the prime minister's office and to the office of minister in charge of coal, power and renewable energy in the month of June 2014. I received an acknowledgement from the honorable minister Mr. Piyush Goyal but received a tepid response from the solar industry. It seems to be an impossible task for them in view of the magnitude of problem India is facing in energy sector.

I am not at an engineer neither I belong from the energy sector, yet I have the wisdom to foresee and execute my strategic plan successfully. During my meeting with the professionals I could see the bewilderment on their faces, that how  am I going to achieve this target. They forgot that I am a strategic thinker and capable of preparing projects and plans for achieving this target much better than any bemused experts.

India's total generation capacity is 205.34 GW + 31.5 GW through Captive Power Generation= Total 236.84 GW. Whereas as per the Energy Statistics 2013 of India, the current requirement  is about 325 GW. It means there is a current annual shortage of 88.16 GW. This gap has been further amplified due to the lack of a network of  power grid lines and inefficient governance in states, which takes care of distribution of electricity.  Therefore their amazement was very obvious as they were unable to think out of the box in making the best use of the available technology and resources to achieve this target.

The largest Hydro Power Plant was built over Three Gorges Dam in China, produces 22,500 Mega Watts (MW) or 22.5 Giga Watts (GW) of energy. The largest Nuclear Power Plant is Kashiwazaki-Kairwa in Japan which produces 7,965 MW or 7.9 GW of electricity. The largest Fuel Oil Power Plant is in Shoaiba, Saudi Arabia which produces 5,600 MW or 5.6 GW of electricity. The largest Coal fired Power Plant is in Taichung, Taiwan which produces 7,724 MW or 7.7 GW of electricity. The largest Natural Gas fired Power Plant is in Surgut-2, Russia which produces 5,597 MW or 5.6 GW of electricity and the largest Solar Power through Flat-Panel Photovoltaic in Topaz, California has the capacity to produce 300MW or 0.3GW of electricity.

In view of the above production capacities and to fill a gap of 88.16 GW of electricity,  India will need  4 (Four) Hydro Power Plants of the size of Three Gorges of China or  12 (Twelve) Nuclear Power Plants of the size of Kashiwazaki of Japan or 16 (Sixteen) Fuel Power Plants of the size of Shoaiba of Saudi Arabia or 12 (Twelve) Coal Fired Power Plant on the model of Taichung of Taiwan or 16 (Sixteen) Gas Fired Power Plant on the model of Surgut of Russia or 294 (Two hundred ninety four) Solar Power Plants on the model of Topaz, California at the cost of billions of dollar for each power plant.

The above number of course is confusing and baffling for any expert in power industry, educated and book smart people of the world to achieve the target and that too without polluting the environment and without spending billions of dollar. Therefore my strategic plan submitted to the Government of India and posted on my other blogs,  must have looked nonsensical in the eyes of our intelligent, smart and bemused competent friends. They must have thought that I live in the world of illusion and must have advised the Government of India under intoxication.

Now I will like to discuss how my strategic plan and vision of making India energy surplus within 2-3 years of time is possible and that too without investing substantial money by the Government of India. However it is also true that without the legislative support of the government, it will not be possible for any company or a group of companies in the world to achieve this target. Government will have to mobilize people with all kinds of support  -  reform in electricity bill, tax incentives/exemption, financial support, low financing rate or loan holidays, creation of a network of active power grid etc. It will be economically beneficial to the government of India to provide above incentives instead of spending billions of dollar in equivalent rupees and mortgaging the country for building super large power plants and further pollute the environment.

To harness the power of free market system, entrepreneurial skills of people and their capacity to make India power surplus within the time frame, I have given hereunder an example of Solar Energy for electrifying homes on large scale in India.  However my focus for making Indian energy surplus within the envisaged time frame is not only based on Solar Power but other Green and Renewable Energy such as Wind Power, Geothermal and Biomass.

While working on this self imposed project, I have come across with smart solar system for electrifying houses ranging from 500 Watt to 2,500 Watt capacity. There may be other efficient system with higher capacity for homes,  but for the sake of my calculation and to demonstrate the power of power, I have taken 2,500 Watt Smart Solar System.

One Solar Panel can produce about 75 Watts per square meter of Solar energy or 7.5 Watts per square foot of solar energy per day. Therefore to produce 2,500 Watts of solar energy about 333 sq.ft of solar panel is required.

Average home consumes about 10KW of power if cooking, washing, water heating etc. are used on a daily basis. As such a 2,500Watt capacity of Solar System can feed about 250 homes with renewable energy per day or 2,500Watts x 300 clear sunny days = 750,000Watts = 750KW or 0.750MW.

To produce solar energy for homes only, we will require:

0.750MW x 1,335 solar systems of 2,500KW capacity and they will collectively produce 1001MW or 1GW of energy.

1335 solar systems x 1000 = 1,335,000 solar systems  = 10GW of Solar Energy

In order to produce 10 GW of Solar Power we will need 1,335,000 Solar Systems of 2,500 watts to create a cluster of 250 houses and that can take care of 333,750,000 houses. Now the question may be be raised that how the installation of 1,335,000 pieces of 2,500KW smart solar system will be made possible. Here professionals like us come into the picture for making strategic marketing plans and their successful execution within the time limit.

As per the Census 2011 of Census India, total number of occupied census houses in India is 306,162,799 which includes houses used as residence (236,062,866) residence cum other uses (8,578,716), shop /office (17,672,786), school / college (2,106,530), hotel/lodge, guest houses (720,806); Hospital / Dispensary etc (683,202); Factory/ Workshop/Workshed etc. (2,496,655); Place of Worship (3,013,140); Other non-residential use (33,547,747) and number of Occupied locked census houses (1,280,351).

Therefore if we are able to successfully install 1,335,000 solar systems of 2,500Watts capacity by way of making it a national event on the scale of mass scale energy revolution then 100% of census houses can have 24 hours, 365 days of solar power. An annual consumption of 0.750 MW of energy per home in smaller towns is on the higher scale as they only use couple of light bulbs and fans. As such I presume there will be plenty of mega watts of surplus energy available for contribution to the central power grid system for the industrial sector. Besides census houses (which includes shops, offices, schools, colleges, hotels, guest houses, hospital, factory buildings, workshops etc);  street lights, traffic lights, petrol pumps, cinema and theatres, public parks, bus stands, railway stations, and airports etc. can also be made energy independent with the help of renewable energy. This will take substantial pressure off the national power grid system and common public will have enough energy to cool off themselves in sweltering heat of India.

As mentioned above, this can be made possible by way of providing incentives and introducing various national schemes for the solar power system manufacturers and for the consumers.

By promoting similar incentives to other sources of renewable energy - Wind Energy (currently producing about 49,132 MW or 49 GW), and energy from Biomass (Current potentiality= 17,538 or 17.5GW) and by combining solar power energy , 100% requirements of energy can be made available to the agriculture sector. Besides tonnes of garbage produced by every town in India can further contribute towards producing energy. Geothermal can also contribute a great deal in generating electricity.

Once the majority of households, small and medium size businesses, agriculture sector, city and town lighting system becomes energy independent then energy produced by existing power plants - coal, gas and nuclear can be made available to large industries and mega cities.

Other positive effects of making this a national event would be that in the process, thousands of people will get employment opportunity in manufacturing of renewable energy system/plants, selling and marketing, transportation & logistics, installations, repairs and servicing etc. Thousand of ancillary manufacturing units related to renewable energy will mushroom in the country which will further contribute towards employment and increase in the per capita household income.

Therefore, I am convinced that this mammoth project can be achieved not only by the engineers, large corporations and the government but also by the professionals who have the ability to make strategic plans and foresee different dimensions, prepare a multi-lateral scope  statements keeping in view of the composition of towns, cities, villages, their socio-economic conditions and targets to be achieved and monitor the progress by placing Key Performance Indexes (KPI) for each layers and sectors on weekly and monthly basis. To my mind this is doable and can be made possible by the people who have the vision and passion to make it successful.

In view of this article, I will like to ask my professional friends worldwide - How to make a country like India energy surplus in a shortest possible time with the help of Green Energy? Can they suggest other alternatives?

Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Suman Saran Sinha, CMC
Certified Management Consultant
for Strategic Planning and Execution

Feb 11, 2014


My father used to quote a couplet of the famous poet Mohammad Shah Gaud, a court poet during the reign of the famous king, Akbar the great of Mughal dynasty who ruled India during sixteenth century. In Urdu language the couplet reads as “ Kis Kis ko dekhiye, chasme hikarat se aie Gaud, sab hum se hain jiyada, koi hum se kum nahin”. The English translation of this couplet is “why to look down upon anybody, everybody is more than me”. This couplet represents the height of humility and always reminded me that a person’s character and value should not be judged from his money, power, position, profession, education, or the background but from his simplicity, kindness and humbleness. Persons having dearth of these benevolent qualities, cannot understand the essence and depth of the above couplet. Generally money, power and position breeds ego in persons personality resulting in making them arrogant, egoistical, snobbish and conceited.

In modern times the richest person on earth Mr. Warren Buffet of Berkshire Hathaway (net worth about $60 billion) is a living example of this simplicity, kindness and humbleness. He not only donates billions of dollars towards charity but also lives a saintly life without flaunting his wealth and attitude.

As far as the knowledge and understanding of life is concerned, one may find hundreds of enlightened (spiritually) people in the world and in their comparison my spiritual knowledge may be limited and incapable of understanding the intricacies of life. Therefore kindly excuse me if you find misinterpretation or misrepresentation in my thought process. 

Recently my wife sent me an excerpt of the conversation she was having on Facebook and I was amazed with the quality and level of discussion being made between her and her Facebook friends on complex topics like science and religion, acts of God, atma (soul) and paramatma (super consciousness). She sent me an excerpt of the conversation and asked my views. That is how I am inspired to write on this topic.

In the discussion there were references to science, God, religion, acts of God and death of thousands of people due to tsunami, hurricane, earthquakes etc.  They were baffled why so many innocent people die in these calamities without their faults. If theory of Karma or cause and effect theory is considered seriously, then the question arises, what have they done to deserve this unwarranted, painful and sudden death? If it is acts of God then how come God can be so cruel and merciless to punish these people without rhyme or reasons?

During my college days, I was a student of science and also had a keen interest in different branches of science such as astronomy, cosmology, psychology, Para psychology, Meta physics, astrology, numerology etc. I also had a private science laboratory at home and used to explore sky with the help of a large telescope. Therefore instead of following set paths as propagated by pundits, I always reasoned myself logically by analysing the reasons behind the scientific phenomena beyond the understanding of modern science.  In the process, I developed the power of knowing the unknown by connecting mysterious dots.

As per my understanding, there is nothing like ‘acts of god’ in real sense. The term has been derived by the modern society to differentiate devastations caused by natural disasters so that people could be compensated financially for their losses by the government or the insurance companies. As a matter of fact, every one of us on this planet is directly or indirectly responsible for these natural disasters and God has nothing to do with deaths of millions of people around the world.

Spiritually, planet Earth and the universe is a part and parcel of the grand design of the supreme God or the super consciousness. All living beings are manifested forms of this super consciousness and at human level we call this manifestation individual soul (consciousness) who are responsible for their own actions. Then the question arises, if we are manifested forms of the supreme consciousness or God, then why do we go through the phases of sufferings?  

To understand this phenomenon first we will have to understand the theory of migration of soul from one body to another carrying forward the characters of previous births. To prove this theory there are several examples of re-birth on the internet and YouTube, and if watch them with interest then we know how knowledge of one life is passed to another life. This is the reason that some children are born with amazing talents and they inherit knowledge by birth without even going to school. This phenomenon is difficult to comprehend scientifically, logically as well as religiously. Is it the acquired knowledge of past life or miracles? The term miracle is a limiting factor of our knowledge and proves our failure in accepting truth of life. World famous psychotherapist Dr. Brian Weiss has done tremendous work in the field of past regression and has successfully treated thousands of people including celebrities. His research and years of practice as a psychotherapist, proves that there is some kind of energy in our body called a soul (consciousness), which transports its knowledge and characters in coded form, from body to body.

If somebody asks me about the soul (consciousness), then in simple language and in one sentence I will define this intricate knowledge as:  “the soul is the life force and guiding factor of our lives which is indestructible but can be tainted with our good or bad karmas and moves from body to body with past characteristics until its purity is overcome again and becomes capable of merging in to the source (pure consciousness or param-atma) which we call it salvation or moksha”.  Therefore this entirely depends upon individuals when and how he or she is able to make their soul pure enough by their actions (karma yoga), supreme devotion (bhakti Yoga) or eternal knowledge (gyana yoga) so that the soul becomes ready to merge into the super consciousness. In other words, we can say merging of the consciousness into the super consciousness or atma to param-atma.

Now in order to maintain balance in the universe, God or the super consciousness (param-atma) has established the rule of natural laws for reciprocal relationship between the planets and galaxies at a grand scale, and the earth, its environment and living creatures at mini scale. At the minuscule level, to monitor and comprehend our day to day action as human beings and to maintain the purity of his manifestations in us in the form of our soul (atma), he has established the rule of Dharma (righteousness), which is based on the cause and effect theory and also called Karma.

At mega scale planets and galaxies have maintained their Dharma for millions of years but on a mini scale we have misused the environment by creating imbalances and as a result we are bestowed with natural calamities. On the miniscule level we have damned ourselves and tainted our souls (consciousness) frequently by doing adharma (bad karmas), as a result we have created imbalances in our eternal environment with impurities like ego, anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, attachment and cruelty.

Furthermore, under his grand design and in order to nurture and sustain life on planet earth, a conducive environment suitable to all has been created which we call nature. This nature consists of five elements- earth, water, air, fire and sky.  In the quest of our scientific advancements and growing civilization, we have been recklessly misusing these five elements, and in the process overtly polluting the environment. The environmental pollution is causing ozone layer depletion and warming of planet externally and senseless draining of oil, gas and hydrocarbons from beneath the earth is creating undue pressure internally on tectonic plates resulting in shifting of land mass and causing earthquakes and tsunami. Since over exploitation of earth’s resources has reached an alarming level, natural disasters have also become frequent and beyond our control and we term them as ‘acts of God’ and knowingly blame the unknown without actually knowing who God is.

As far as the world religions are concerned, the existence of God is purely based on our belief and experiences of our ancestors over a period of time. If we believe that God exists then he exists, helps and guides us all the time, otherwise not. In case of a parabolic example- if a lie is told a thousand times then it becomes the truth. Similarly any human can become a God literally in thousand years in future, if good stories about them are continuously told or propagated.  In the absence of electronic recording of events or scientifically tested authenticity or documentation of such stories, chances of misconstruing of facts were very high. One cannot ignore the possibility of misrepresentation of sermons or preachings of the incarnated souls by the bunch of unenlightened followers having vested interest and propagating their own versions based on the hearsay. 

Therefore one's religious understanding is purely based on their belief and the religious Gods or figure heads may be emotionally true, but not logically. If there is an iota of truth about the existence of God (supreme consciousness or param-atma) then he must be overseeing Dharma (righteousness) of individuals or the process of cause and effects of collective karmas. Individual sufferings are based on their own karmas whereas group of people suffers due to the collective karmas. Hence to my understanding, God or the supreme consciousness has no role in our happiness, plight, hurricane, tsunami or earthquakes.

Now the most complex answer to the simple question of how can God be so merciless to cause deaths of thousand of innocent people due to natural calamities.  I will like to explain these phenomena through examples on a micro as well as mega scale. For example on a micro level if we undermine the strength of buildings by using substandard quality of materials then certainly they will collapse one day by hurting or killing not only its residents (where all types of good or bad people live) but the passers-by on the street as well.  Deforestation, nuclear disasters, warming of planet, carbon monoxide emission, ozone layer depletion, and reckless stripping of planet earth of its resources, are causing changes in the environment resulting in natural calamities on a mega scale. Therefore, there is no religious logic behind people dying en masse but it is the outcome of our bad collective karmas. Individual Karma affects us individually for our good or bad actions whereas the collective karmas encompasses all within its perimeter without differentiating between the pious and the sinners.

Having limited knowledge, we humans are marred with ignorance and we have become myopic due to ego, jealousy, hatred, greed and selfishness. These inhumanly qualities have reduced our abilities to see far and beyond the kingdom of God which consists of not only this outer world but the inner world and beyond.  The kingdom of God resides within us in the manifested form of super consciousness which has been there all the time but we are unable to experience because of our inhumanly qualities. This fact has been reminded to us time and again by God incarnated people in past. But due to our ignorance we look for outside help in the form of God for instant relief or blame him for our pain and sufferings which in reality is the outcome of our sins. Saint Kabir Das of 15th century has very nicely described this ignorance and the presence of divinity within us through his couplets:

 “Jaise Til Mein Tel Hai, Jyon Chakmak Mein Aag, Tera Sayeen Tujh Mein Hai, Tu Jaag Sake To Jaag”  (Just as seed contains the oil, fire's in flint stone, Your temple seats the Divine, realize if you can).

Jyon naino mein putli, tyon maalik ghat mahi, Murakh log na janahi, bahir dudhan jahin” (The way pupil is inside the eyes, the same way divine is inside, Foolish people do not know this fact and keep looking outside).

Kasturi Kundal Base Mrug Dhoondhe Ban Maahi, Jyo Ghat Ghat Ram Hai Duniya Dekhe Nahi
(A deer has the fragrance in its naval and runs throughout the forest looking for it. Similarly divine is inside and everywhere but the world does not see).

In other words, God is present in every living being but we cannot see or experience him due to our ignorance and mental illiteracy. We keep looking for God in temples, mosques, churches, gurudwaras and other holy places; the way a deer keeps looking for the source of smell of kasturi (a type of fragrance lies in the naval of deer) in the forest.

God incarnated people like Gautam Buddha, Mahavir Jain, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammad, Guru Nanak, and other saints, have been telling the same thing time and again but it was misconstrued by people to gain advantages over the period of time. In some cases, their followers, who were ordinary people like us without having the presence of spiritualism, exploited the ignorance of common mass by twisting meanings of their preaching and existence of God with their own explanations. They made the religion more militant and fearful than the benevolent. As a result people became more God fearing than God loving. The misconstrued religion has been so deeply engrained in peoples mind that in some sects they firmly believe that their holy books are written by God as a result they have literally become products of their religion more than the natural human being without having free and unbiased mind. They have also lost their independent thinking and true identity and waste their time in excessive religious practices. 

Therefore, instead of looking for God outside in places of worship, we can experience divinity within us by making our sole pure and by looking deep into our consciousness. Unfortunately, the way mist makes the mirror hazy and we cannot see our face, the same way our consciousness (atma) has become hazy and we are unable to see the divinity or the path leading to the super consciousness (param-atma). Swami Vivekananda has also said ‘that the entire world’s knowledge lies in our consciousnesses’. But our inhumanly qualities has created a veil on it.

To prove the above theory of Swami Vivekananda, if we look at all scientific developments made by mankind, like the making of a society, townships, engineering projects, invention of electricity, telecommunications, internet, space station or other scientific achievements in the field of health and medicine etc; no book of knowledge was dug out of the ground or imported from other planets. These achievements were made by humans like us by way of researching and digging deep into our consciousness to get the answer or results. That’s what Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Newton, Archimedes and other modern scientists has been doing. This also shows that all the explored or unexplored knowledge of the world is hidden under the sheath of our consciousness and it is a matter of removing the veil of ignorance and reaching deep into the ocean of consciousness to satisfy our quest or gain knowledge. This ocean of consciousness hidden in our body is in fact the manifestation of God which sometime provides us the direction or gives us the strength to fight with the eventualities in our lives.

Now I will like to discuss in short how karma or cause and effect theory works in our lives. If we draw a parallel on the scale then God is time who is able to see our actions of not this life only but also lives we have lived and we are going to live. Therefore in spite of being pious and virtuous in this life, we may suffer due to the acquired or inherited bad karmas of past lives. Not knowing the truth, we sentimentalize the cause by pointing fingers to the unknown (God) and ask his help or blame him for our plights.

I hope with my limited knowledge and understanding, I have been able to explain the intricacies of life in simple words. If you have any questions or doubts about my thought process then do get back to me please and I will be more than happy to talk on the subject and satisfy your query. Here I will also like to reiterate that I have no intention of insulting any religion or religious belief but to have a qualitative, thoughtful, unbiased and logical discussion on the topic. Your valuable comments will certainly delight the readers of this article.

I will also like to ask my professional friends worldwide; does spiritual understanding make us a successful human being in our personal as well as social life? Does it have a role in providing humane touch to our profession? Is God really responsible for success and failure in our lives or in our sufferings? How do we differentiate between our belief and becoming over religious?

Suman Saran Sinha, CMC
A pursuer of logical quest

Jan 12, 2014


Anger is a part of human expression to show displeasure to a cause or action. It is the natural outburst of an antagonizing situation. Anger is the facial presentation of resentment towards somebody. It is also reflected by the body language and is an aggravated form of human emotions. It is an emotional response to a perceived threat, insult or provocation. The effects of anger can be positive or negative depending upon the context and the way it is expressed. The qualitative expression of anger may enhance determination and one’s own perspective, resulting in positive actions. One may become resolute in moving towards their goal or ambition. It may also lift one’s morale and charge the value system. On the flip side, it may be destructive and prohibit control over action and the process of thinking. In its strong form, it may impair a person’s thoughtfulness, prudence and empathy towards fellow human beings or other living creatures. Nonsensical anger may hurt another people emotionally and psychologically. In the worst scenario, an angry person may physically harm himself or others.

When we compare humans with the animal kingdom, then we find that they become angry only when they are starving or provoked. In comparison, human intelligence has the ability to understand the difference between threats and provocation on a much finer scale. As a matter of fact, we as humans must react and show our anger when unnecessarily incited, insulted, inflicted, indicted, impugned, and indulged. Anger is also a power and strength to project the prowess of personality and keeps the incoming mental, physical or psychological injury away. As the proverb goes “an apple a day keeps the doctors away’, controlled and thoughtful anger keeps perceived threat away. Whereas controlled anger is a power of self defense, uncontrolled anger is self immolation.

Therefore, I am forced to analyze, is anger an absolute necessity to survive in society? Does anger have any place in a civilized world? What are the parameters for living in a civilized world? To become angry on a perceived provocation can be understood but what about showing anger on every small event in life? Do the level of anger and its presentation depend upon the education, culture, environment or background of a person?  If the onset of anger has something to do with the lack of education and unruly background of people then why can’t the educated, cultured and so called sophisticated people in our society get along together and withstand their partners, friends or relatives for a long period of time?  Why is the rate of divorce the highest in modern society more compared to the rural areas?  Why is the level of tolerance low in families and society resulting in disagreements and divorces due to uncontrolled anger and understanding?

The purpose of my writing on the topic is not to touch the psychological, medical or behavioral aspects and cognitive effects of anger on human personality and relationships, but to analyze holistically whether uncontrolled anger is a temperamental disorder or a personality flaw. If it is a temperamental disorder, then the person affected from this does more harm for himself than the person they are upset with, and needs to utilize anger management. If it is a personality flaw then we have to think what humanly qualities separate us from illiterates and unruly people in the world. If even after acquiring higher education, we have not been able to control our minds, then have we become educated and civilized? I personally believe educated minds should know the art of controlling human ills and weaknesses. If we could not learn the art of self control and anger management even after going to the top universities and proudly possessing PHDs, MBAs, or other professional and technical degrees of the highest standards, then something is seriously wrong either in our education system, culture, religion or upbringing.

By writing this article, I do not have any intention to insult anybody knowingly or unknowingly but to discuss on this topic philosophically in understanding the root causes of anger. Some world famous people have also echoed my words and I would like to quote a few in order to throw light on the gravity of this major flaw in the human personality.

Albert Einstein has quoted ‘Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools’. We may not take the literal sense of his quote but as per Einstein, those who cannot control their anger may be considered illiterate and uncultured. Their understanding of life is too shallow and as such they may be called as fools.

Mahatma Gandhi has quoted- ‘Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding’. If we analyze this statement of Gandhi, then we understand that those who lack tolerance and control on their temperaments cannot go together with sane people or those who have the knowledge of life and humanly qualities.

Nineteenth century American essayist, poet and transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson has quoted- ‘For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind’. This statement is so poetic and true. Angry people or those who have no control on their temperaments cannot understand the value of peace in mind which has the tranquilizing effects on our personality and provides an opportunity to think coolly and find alternatives to a difficult situation. This is possible only by way of reasoning and self control.

Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States has bitterly rebuked this flaw in the human personality by saying- ‘Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame’.  Since the bout of anger blinds our process of logical thinking, we use foul or insulting languages or act in uncivilized ways which ends in disgrace and loss of respect.

Mark Twain, the famous American writer and humorist has very rightly mentioned the ill effects of anger on people by saying- ‘ Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured’. Mark Twain was so right. As per the recent studies, those who become angry very frequently may suffer from high blood pressure, insomnia; arthrosclerosis- build up of fatty plaques in arteries; heart disease, headaches, digestive imbalance, anxiety, heart attack and stroke.

If we make the historical analysis of human race, then we find that when the society was still in the process of developing, ‘might was the right’ for survival and on the slightest provocation people used to become angry and kill each other. As the civilization grew and societies evolved, norms and rules were laid for the people to behave in a civilized manner. The purpose of social norms and code of conduct is to put a control on the animalistic behavior present in the human race. Over a period of time, this metamorphic tendency has subsided but is still present in us and keeps surfacing with little provocation. 

Therefore, if we think that we are out of the Stone Age and now in the twenty first century we are qualitatively educated and civilized, then we must restrain ourselves from mental aggravation and imbalances.

To my mind, people may be very well educated (from the worldly point of view) but they lack the knowledge and understanding of spiritualism. The knowledge and practice of spiritualism induces a person to reason on the root causes of every problem and puts a restrain on prima facie reactions.  As per project management, every project is temporary and unique in its characteristics. Its scope and deliverable is different, and as such project managers handle them differently and manage accordingly. Likewise, every person on earth is temporary and a unique piece created by nature -- their mental, emotional and spiritual characteristics are different. Therefore two humans cannot think and act similarly for a long period of time. Being unique pieces, their temperaments and mental levels will be different and at some point of time they will definitely behave differently than the other person.

Because people act differently as per their true nature and characteristics, they cannot be wrong as far as they are concerned. It is up to the other person to understand this dissimilarity and accept the person with their qualities or flaws.  If we do not, then the fault lies within us that of wanting the other person to act or behave as per our desire or likings.

If we understand the above fundamental principles and the root cause of the makings of a human personality and nature then we will never get angry with any person unless we are deliberately or shamelessly provoked or our lives are put in danger.

In our social lives we do not get angry often with our employer or colleagues for the fear of getting non-cooperative responses or losing the job. This keeps our ego and anger on hold. Even if we feel insulted or humiliated at the work place we practice a controlled and passive response to the situation. Whereas in our personal lives we do not apply the same control and restrain and take the relationships for granted. This results in discontentment, frustration, depression and differences with our spouses, children, relatives or friends.  As a result, we cannot pull on for long with them. If we know how to control our emotions at the work place then why we do not apply the same principles in our personal lives. This shows the duality and duplicity of nature which is very common in the so-called educated and modern society.

Therefore, anger is a necessity if used qualitatively otherwise it is self destructive and a major flaw in human personality.  I will look forward for your constructive comments on the topic for the enlightenment of our readers.

I will also like to ask my professional colleagues worldwide, what they think about the use of anger in professional life. Does it make a difference in relationships with their employers, contractors or in professional lives?

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year 2014.

Suman Saran Sinha, CMC
A pursuer of logical quest